Honeycomb structured erosion control products has been specially designed for use on sub-bases which do not generally allow the growth of vegetation due to their geological properties. Slag heaps and rocky slopes are examples of this kind of sub-base, upon which a 10 cm thick layer of soil can be applied into the product to form the basis for the development of vegetation.
In such cases, the honeycomb structure allows the mat to be filled with topsoil, providing a lasting grip in the cascading geocells. A further major applications are slopes where the topsoil would erode, if no corresponding measures were taken to combat erosion.
These flexible geocell products are generally made of geotextile fabrics connected to each other reciprocally to form a hexagonal honeycomb structure. The resulting cells can be filled with fertile topsoil, sand, flint or gravel, depending on the specific application. The factors of rigidity and permeability are decisive criteria in the selection of the geotextile fabric used for the production. They are taken into account to ensure that the finished product can ideally fulfil the requirements of its specific application.
The number of anchoring pins of is determined by a great variety of parameters
In addition to its functional characteristics, one of the benefits is its high degree of flexibility. The geocells can follow the gradient of the slope without buckling or warping. Furthermore, the lightweight material allows quick and easy installation. The geocells are resistant to rotting and therefore stabilize the covered surfaces permanently, independent of the vegetation that has been chosen.
In such cases, the honeycomb structure allows the mat to be filled with topsoil, providing a lasting grip in the cascading geocells. A further major applications are slopes where the topsoil would erode, if no corresponding measures were taken to combat erosion.

The number of anchoring pins of is determined by a great variety of parameters
In addition to its functional characteristics, one of the benefits is its high degree of flexibility. The geocells can follow the gradient of the slope without buckling or warping. Furthermore, the lightweight material allows quick and easy installation. The geocells are resistant to rotting and therefore stabilize the covered surfaces permanently, independent of the vegetation that has been chosen.
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